Workshop Maveryx: Enhanced test automation for Web and Desktop apps

  • Ever wondered how to create reliable and truly repeatable automatic tests easily? What to watch out for?

In this case, come to this workshop which addresses some of the points about developing a test automation framework where the keywords are simplicity (of creation), efficiency (improved functional coverage), repeatability and robustness (to UI changes).

  • Ever wondered how to combine faster time-to-market and quality, while cutting costs significantly?

In this workshop, you will see a technology able to let you save your time, that you will use to improve test coverage while reducing costs.

During the workshop, you will see how to write automated functional tests for Web and Desktop applications ...

1) without having to register anything (actions, etc...)

2) without having to capture GUI objects in maps (GUI Maps) or Objects' repositories

3) without having to wait for the release of the AUT (Application Under Test) to start with the automation

4) without having to write code and complex XPath expressions or whatever...

The challenge is to write automated tests just based on functional requirements, in parallel with the development of the AUT (Application Under Test), without wasting time and effort in useless activities such as creating and maintaining "records", "maps" and "repositories" those, in case of UI frequent changes, can become dangerous boomerangs.

During the workshop, we will show the fundamental aspects and benefits of the Maveryx test automation framework by concrete examples starting from the current limits of test automation. This technology is different because its capability to inspect any UI, Web and Desktop, during the execution of the tests without the need of "records", "maps" and "repositories" acting as a senior human tester would.

If you are a manager, you will see how Maveryx can help you reducing effort and costs while increasing the functional coverage.

In conclusion, you will see the Boeing Defence Australia customer case. The challenge for BDA was to find a tool that it could integrate with a large existing codebase quickly and efficiently, that would provide a robust framework for the testing of additional new features.

Track 2 - 14:40-15:55
NH Milano Congress Center - Sala Scala 4